Parlance: Where Do Men Go To Talk?


Examining Safe Spaces for Men

According to a 2014 NHS report, approximately one in eight men have a common mental health problem in England. However, men are still reluctant to seek support for their mental health concerns or even to disclose those problems to loved ones. The ability to discuss and share these concerns is mired by societal expectations of masculinity which dictates an often detrimental stoicism. These issues are made more complex for men of colour who while experiencing additional stresses due to cultural expectations as well as racism, are locked in a system that is unequipped to help them. In collaboration with him his we sat down with a group of men to talk about where they seek solace in the face of obstacles to mental health support. Kindly hosted by the Red Rooster restaurant at The Curtain hotel.

photography Sali Mudawi

POSTSCRIPT at Red Rooster.jpg
POSTSCRIPT at Red Rooster.jpg
POSTSCRIPT at Red Rooster.jpg

“A lot of their trauma isn’t recognized by psychiatrists in institutions because they don’t have the training to understand the differences or nuances in backgrounds.” 

POSTSCRIPT at Red Rooster.jpg

“Deep down, all I wanted was for someone to share it all with. But there are social barriers that are deeply rooted in society. That subconsciously prevent that from happening.”

Read the full conversation featured in POSTSCRIPT No. 3 ‘The Defiance Issue’.